If you’re gay and getting married, would you want to bring your business to a florist, baker, or event planner who’s against same-sex marriage?

If I were going to have an interracial marriage, I wouldn’t hire a photographer who was opposed to “miscegenation.” The same goes to doctors, if I were to have a biracial child. Why would I want to give my money to someone who’s opposed to the way I live? And if state laws prohibited anyone from refusing service, could I expect the photographer to take good pictures? Or the doctor to take good care for my child? Sure, if they were somehow negligent, I could take them to court and sue for some extraordinary punitive damages. But no amount of money would make up for the bad wedding pictures, I can’t repeat the wedding; or the harm suffered by my child.

If anything, I’d want to know who was opposed to my way of life, so I could keep them out of my life. As silly as these “religious liberty” laws are, the opposition to them is just as bad.

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